Please consider becoming a member. Your membership dues support the restoration work.
Or you may be interested in getting your hands dirty by volunteering. This does not always mean riveting or fabricating parts. It also means building displays, giving tours, and cleaning, among other things.
We also welcome the donations of historic items. These can be veterans' personal effects, pilot logbooks, historic equipment, airplane parts, or even entire airplanes.
In addition, we need items used in the restoration and aircraft maintenance process. If you think you have items that could be used in our tool shop please contact us.
Become a Member
Your membership will help support the museum, its mission and the aircraft we restore.
Become a Volunteer
If you would like to volunteer please stop by on Wednesdays or Saturdays at 10am to talk to us.
Donate Artifacts
Any historic items such as uniforms, pins, logbooks, personal effects, etc.
To restore and fabricate we need variety of hand tools, power tools and shop machinery.